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Inexpensive Ways to See America Coast to Coast

American is one of the most amazing and beautiful countries in the world. The song “America the Beautiful” could not be more accurate. It truly has purple mountains of majesties, amber waves of grain and of course spacious skies that have some of the most beautiful sunsets you will ever see. If you live in America you have probably dreamed about going on a long road trip and seeing all the sites and national parks.  If you don’t live in the states then you have probably thought about visiting the great country sometime during your life. However, as we all know too well that regardless where you live traveling can be very expensive. This puts a damper on all our dreams of seeing this great country and other sites. Do not fear though there are plenty of tricks to travel cheap and still have the time of your life. 

That’s right! You can travel America like the good ole days! There are many train vacations that will take you where you want to go. You don’t have to worry about gas, traffic, accidents and get great scenery the entire time. Most trains are pretty well equipped nowadays with Wi-Fi and other fun things to make your trip more enjoyable. This is a great idea if you want to go coast to coast and have all the time in the world.
Travel Deals
You can’t watch television for five minutes without seeing or hearing a commercial for some kind of travel site. There is a reason for it though and it’s because they work! You can get some amazing deals on hotels or airfare with some of these sites. Some even offer week long trips with airfare for some amazing prices. The only downfall to it is that they have very specific dates and sometimes won’t work with your schedule.
Road Trip
Just like the good ole days with Mom and Dad you can load you and your family into a car and set off for the wide open road. In most cases it is still cheaper to drive places than flying everywhere. Surely, sometimes you feel trapped like a rat, and feel like you are never going to get there but if planned well you can have the time of your life. Make sure that you stop at plenty of site seeing places to break up the day and have some fun. Even if they are dinky little tourist traps you can still have fun with them and make some pretty unforgettable moments.
Guided Tours
There are plenty of groups out there that offer guided tours of just about anything and everything. Most of the time they are pretty affordable and you get to learn about all the historical markers and events that happened in some areas. If you are a big history buff then this would the perfect trip for you! If you are serious into looking at one of these you might want to make sure you do your research on the tour guide and maybe meet them first so you’ll know if you will like them or not.


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